45 keen Historians (Y9,10,11) having recently been studying the history of medicine and health through time , visited Bristol on Thursday to take part in an interactive theatre performance assessing progress in all things medical throughout the last millennium. From the horrors of pre anaesthesia surgery (wood to bite on, gin to drink) to plague doctors and cholera, we waded through the improvements in the field of anatomy, dissection and physiology. Our Historians will relish in telling you all how to solve a pandemic like plague 17th Century style, the traditional understanding of the role of the heart, but significantly, that the unsung heroes were often women (surgeons, midwives, )From terrifying plague seekers (Bring out yer dead!) , ear shattering explosives to the surgery man, the show did not disappoint!. Highlights included "the seeker ...she was so funny!" (Beth), "Florence Nightingale really stood up for herself, she was amazing " (Brook) "The loud bang ! we all jumped out of our skins!" (Emily). "William Harvey (anatomist) treated a sick patient by giving her a dead man's hand!" (Ethan) The highlight unanimously was the onstage argument between rival 19th century scientists Louis Pasteur (discovered germs and theorised that they caused illness) and Dr Koch (who identified specific germs that caused specific disease ...altogether ANTHRAX!), highlighting their significant contributions to the field of health and medicine. Students were then invited to be examiners of various scripts, and BCA students were superb in their exam marking, but also in their superb behaviour demonstrated throughout the day. They were indeed a pleasure to take to the theatre.
